How many exams do I need to take?
There are 6 exams required for licensure.
In the United States, it’s illegal to call yourself an architect unless you have been licensed by a state. However, it is possible to design buildings without a license. Many people practicing architecture without a license essentially act as design consultants. This allows them to provide design services without the added liability.
Depending on the state you are building in, you may be allowed to build residential projects three stories and under without a license. In most states, you can’t design commercial buildings or buildings over three stories without a license.
In what sequence should I take the architecture exams?
Earn a degree from a professional architecture program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)
Log your hours of experience. This is called the the Architectural Experience Program (AXP)
Complete the Architect Registration Examinations (ARE) There are currently 6 exams.
Additional State Requirements
Each state may have additional requirements. For example, California has an additional exam called the California Supplemental Exam (CSE), and New York has higher experience requirements based on their point system. Visit this page for more information on additional state requirements.
How long do I need to study for the architecture exams?
Getting an architecture license is not for everyone. It’s important to evaluate the reasons why you are pursuing licensure. If you will not be using your license, whether it be at a firm or within your own practice, you may want to reconsider. The process takes a lot of time, money, and dedication so if you feel it’s just a logical next step or simply want the credibility, licensure may not be the right path for you.
The exams contain a lot of knowledge necessary for the practice of architecture. Mastering this knowledge will undoubtedly make you a better and more well-rounded architect.
Higher pay
Credibility. This can be debated, but in general having an architecture license gives you higher credibility in the industry.
Liability. With greater power comes greater responsibility. The reality is that being the official architect of record for a project increases your chances of being held liable for mistakes that may not even be your fault.
Cost. The fees and exam costs can add up. Expect to pay around $1600 at the very minimum. This includes the registration fee, fee for each exam, yearly costs to keep your NCARB record active.
Post-licensure maintenance. Once you have your architecture license, depending on your state you are required to complete continuing education requirements every year to maintain an active license.
What are some study tips for the architecture exams?
Architecture licensing requirements vary by state.
What are some things to keep in mind when taking the architecture exams?
The AIA is an organization that provides a range of support services to architects. These services benefit some architects differently than others. It may provide a link to others in the profession, though it may not enter much into daily architectural practice. The cost of membership, added to the cost of licensure, can be quite steep.